Saint Rose of Lima School

saints rose of lima schoolchildren

St. Rose of Lima School strives to develop a vital, nurturing, educational environment that meets the spiritual, academic, and developmental needs of its learners. There is an expectation of high academic achievement, personal morals, and Christian ethics. A strong Catholic atmosphere encourages our students to see Christ in the faces of others and to promote social justice. Our curriculum challenges teachers and explore and investigate their world without fear of making mistakes. Our goal is to provide the tools for our graduates to be saints rose of lima signsuccessful in a global society and to meet the challenges of their future.

The mission of Saint Rose of Lima School is to develop responsible, compassionate, life-long global learners and problem solvers who contribute their individual talents and live their faith. We are a community of students, parents, and teachers who, with the grace of God, are dedicated to academic excellence, spiritual development, and service to others.

 Catholic education means…

College-bound peers – The vast majority, approximately 94% of Catholic school graduates, pursue higher education. Catholic School graduates are often pursued by prestigious colleges.
A rigorous curriculum – Most students take four years of STEM, mathematics, history, English, science, foreign language and religious studies.
Self-discipline – Students are expected to accept responsibility for their actions, to respect others and to make good decisions in the context of their faith experience.
Christ as a model – The goal of a Catholic education is to help children mature into Christ-like people. Students are encouraged to recognize the presence of Christ in themselves and others. The religious formation of children begun at home is continued in Catholic school.
A safe, supportive environment – Reverence for the human dignity of every person comes from recognizing Christ in self and others. More than “drug-free zones” or “gun-free zones,” Catholic schools strive to be “Christ-centered zones.”
High expectations – Catholic school teachers encourage every student to achieve his or her full potential.
Committed parents – Parents are a child’s first teachers. At Catholic schools, parents take an active role in their children’s education. The school supports families and works with them for the benefit of children.
A caring community – Catholic school teachers and staff partner with parents and families to support formation of the whole child – academically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. Students are nurtured in the faith and known by name.

We invite you to Visit our school web site

Saint Rose of Lima School

Benefits of a catholic school education: Benefits of a Catholic School Education

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