
Faith Formation
Against a prevailing view that eighteenth-century Americans had not perpetuated the first settlers' passionate commitment to their faith, scholars now identify a high level of religious energy in colonies after 1700. According to one expert, religion was in the "ascension rather than the declension"; another sees a "rising vitality in religious life" from 1700 onward; a third finds religion in many parts of the colonies in a state of "feverish growth." Figures on church attendance and church formation support these opinions. Between 1700 and 1740, an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the population attended churches, which were being built at a headlong pace. Toward mid-century the country experienced its first major religious revival. The Great Awakening swept the English-speaking world, as religious energy vibrated between England, Wales, Scotland…
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Faith Formation
Here at SSRC we have a variety of very active ministries! We invite you to join in fellowship with us as we share our time and talent through our liturgy, social events, and works of justice and mercy.  Instituted ministries In certain traditionalist Catholic priestly societies, whether enjoying the favour of the Holy See (like the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter) or not (like the Society of St. Pius X), the rites of conferring of tonsure, what were called minor orders (of Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte) and subdiaconate continue to be used, as before the coming into force of the apostolic letter Ministeria quaedam of 15 August 1972, which, of the minor orders, which it called instituted ministries, preserved for seminarians being prepared for priesthood those of lector and…
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Middle School

Faith Formation
Students in grades 6- 8 begin religious education on September 29, 2019. These grades meet once a month on Sundays from 3:30- 4:45 and then attend 5pm Mass, as Mass is part of the program. Please contact our Director of Faith Formation, Rachael, with questions. Registration for 2019-2020 will take place at all Masses the weekends of August 24th and September 7th. If you cannot make either of the registration weekends you may visit the church office to fill out the registration forms. Schedule coming soon!  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MIDDLE SCHOOL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Middle School Faith Formation Program Overview Middle School Faith Formation Program Overview Religious Education Classes Religious Education classes will meet approximately 20 times from September through April.  Although most of these meetings are class sessions, special speakers, activities, and liturgical experiences are also incorporated into the…
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Childrens Liturgy of the Word

Faith Formation
Once a month, our youngest children are invited to a special ministry during the Liturgy of the Word. Together, we read the Gospel and do an activity to make the stories come alive for preschoolers and young elementary school-aged children. If you would like to help with the children's liturgy, please reach out to us! Liturgy of the Word with Children A resource page for those who minister in the community by facilitating Children's Liturgy of the Word Childrens liturgy of the word Children's Liturgy of the Word | CatholicTV The Liturgy of the Word with Children is... Is a ritual for the proclamation of God’s Word with Children appropriate to their understanding. Is a moment of salvation in which the living God communicates life to God’s children…
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